Frequently asked questions
Where can you buy BLUE SEVEN?
You can buy BLUE SEVEN at selected retailers and in selected onlineshops. You can find a retailer nearby as well as a list with the onlineshops offering BLUE SEVEN, in our Store Finder.
Are all retailers listed in the Store Finder?
No, only those who agreed in written form to publish their data. If you do not find a retailer nearby, you are welcome to call us and we will look for a retailer close to you.
How is the size chart for kids clothes of BLUE SEVEN?
The information is always in body height in centimeter. The information about age is always the age for which the style is recommended.
What can I do if my piece of clothing is faulty?
Despite intensive quality controls it can happen that your piece of clothing is faulty. In this case we kindly ask you to contact your retailer by providing the receipt.